Friday, July 2, 2010

Tool 4 google reader

I love this management tool! I need to spend more time searching for new blogs to follow! I think this is an awesome way to stay plugged in! I think it is a great way to check yourself and continue to grow in your profession! Google Reader helps to keep your blogs in front of you. You don't have the excuse that you forgot to check in for updates on your fav blogs. I am subscribing to; Johnson's Journey, Blogs a Blastin', Fairy Principal, How I Am Spending My Summer, Ms. Chidgey's 11 Tools, 11 Tools for the 21st Century, Cool Cat Teacher, and Teach Paperless! I can't wait to add more.
As for how to apply this to classroom settings, I think after creating a classroom blog together with your students you could search for blogs that aligned with current topics being discussed in the classroom. You could also allow the students to subscribe to blogs that they are interested in doing a research project about. I have thought about using a blog to do a pen pal adventure, but there is some about receiving an actual letter in the mail that is precious and I'm not sure I want to take that away from my students.
If you do a classroom blog and implement google reader, how do you maintain everyone's attention when creating it considering only one person could work on it at a time?

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